Friday, January 23, 2015


Welcome to my new blog!

I want to remain anonymous to protect the company I work for and the customers that use our service. I will say that I am in Massachusetts but that is all I will reveal.

I've been a taxi driver for a few years. I've met many different people. Some strange, others nice. It's people watching at its best. You get all kinds. When I was hired, I was hired for the 2pm-12am shift. I've had people puke in my cab from a night of drinking. I've picked up hookers at hotels to drive them to another hotel. I've picked up people buying drugs and needed a ride. Now that Ive left the night shift and moved to the day shift, I have a whole new set of customers. I get regular people going to work, the elderly going food shopping, mothers picking up their kids at school.

I'll also get high profile people who need a ride to the local airport. We are a town taxi company. Not one of those companies where the employees dress in ultra professional uniforms. We have zero dress code. Hell, I've gone to work in PJs because I was too tired/sick to bother. Short sleeve shirts and sweatpants are my attire. Kind of weird picking customers up at the airport surrounded by drivers looking so professional and there I am in shorts and a t shirt.

My car of choice in our lot is a silver livery car with tinted windows. Almost all the cars we have are used town cars. These cars were bought used. I was in a car accident this afternoon but nothing can kill these tanks. The only think that kills them are the drivers that ride them rough. Sometimes it cant be helped... like driving on a street with a steep incline or big ass speed bumps.

I hope to accomplish a comical aspect to the cabbie life. To write stories about the people I come across on a daily bases. All names will be changed to protect those I drive. This is people watching at its best! Many TV shows depicting the cab driver are out there. "Cash Cab" and "TaxiCab Confessionals" to name a couple.

Sit back and enjoy the coming entries.